First Aid

How to live long-Extra 14 years

Who in this beautiful world doesn’t want to live long? Eating limited food and maintaining a good health plays an important and helpful role for living a long life.Research says that, one who does regular exercise, gives up smoking, eats fresh fruits and vegetables everyday, takes a slight drink or totally gives up, he is for sure to get fourteen years of extra life on average. Research has also shown that, non-smokers or who has given up smoking are mostly benefited. There is more than 80% of health improvement for people who give up smoking.So for a well and healthy life everyone should work out for at least 20 to 30 minutes everyday. Besides we should eat green vegetables with fresh fruits and must stop or give up smoking. Due to smoking the blood duct in our body becomes narrow and the result is a blockage in the blood duct which can lead to a heart disease and also increases the risk of having lung cancer.In most of the cases, an active smoker encounters sexual problems in their lives. So smoking must be totally abandoned and we should make a practice of eating food with less fat.

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