First Aid

7 Easy Ways to Get the Best Diet for Life

This best diet for life plan revolves around basic healthful steps, but should not be construed as medical advice. Check with your family doctor before starting any diet plan.

Step 1: Clean Out Your Kitchen:

Let's first start with the most difficult step. Remove any foods from your kitchen that aren't considered healthy. This would include such foods that are: a) high in sodium levels, and rich in fat or cholesterol b) baked desserts such as pies and cakes and c) snacks like potato chips and crackers

Step 2: Re-stock your kitchen with good, healthy food

Healthy foods are those that are low in fat and low in sugar,. Foods such as: a) Fresh Fruits and Vegetables b) 2% Dairy Products c) Brown Rice, Whole Grain Products and d) Fish, Poultry and Lean Meat

Buy only what you can eat in a week.

Step 3: Choose Your Meals

Everyone's likes and dislikes in food vary. Be certain you are using healthy foods, such as fresh fruits or vegetables, low fat dairy and lean meats in making your meals.

Step 4: Plan Out the Size of Your Meal Portions

For optimal digestion and health, eat smaller portion meals. The ideal portions should be approximately one small serving of carbs (bread, pasta, fruit, etc) and a similar-sized serving of vegetables and protein (meat, fish, poultry, cottage cheese, etc) . Eat just enough to feel satisfied, then stop eating! Remember, by using this best diet for life, we are attempting to make a permanent lifestyle change, and not just short term.

Eating snacks between meals is okay, but the snacks should be low in sugar and carbohydrates.

Step 5: Get Enough Rest

A person's body needs sufficient rest to allow it to rejuvenate itself. Everyone's needs are different, but a person should feel refreshed after a good night's sleep Oversleeping can have the reverse effect and therefore isn't considered healthy

Step 6: Exercise Daily

Choose the exercises that will burn the calories and help you to stay in shape..

You have plenty of choices. Think in terms of "activity" instead of "workout plan". Base your activity on your short term and long term weight goals. If you are overweight, you should consider a more intense training program (short term goal) and make a committment to walk, or run, for at least 30 minutes every day at a scheduled time.

Once you've reached your short term goal, your long term strategy should be a commitment to yourself, and your plan should become part of your daily routine.

Some activities can include: Walking, Jogging, Running , Bicycle Riding and Swimming,

Step 7: Keep It Simple

This best diet for life plan can work for you. But you must believe in it and practice it until, over time, it becomes part of your everyday routine. And if you mess up on a particular day, don't be hard on yourself. Just work a bit harder the next day to burn off the extra calories, o lighten up on the food calories at the next meal, then continue with the plan.

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